(C) 2011 Elsevier

Ireland Ltd All rights reserved “

(C) 2011 Elsevier

Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The 5-HT6 receptor subtype is predominantly expressed in the central nervous system, and preclinical evidence suggests that it plays a critical role in the regulation of molecular pathways underlying cognitive function. Patients with schizophrenia show cognitive impairment as a fundamental symptom, and it is proposed that the procognitive properties of some antipsychotics such as olanzapine and clozapine would be, in part, due to the central blockade of 5-HT6 receptors. In this study, we characterized the brain 5-HT6 receptor occupancy of olanzapine, clozapine and chlorpromazine in relation to their pharmacokinetic profiles using in vivo [H-3]GSK215083 binding assay in rat brain. Oral administration of olanzapine (3 mg/kg), clozapine (30 mg/kg) DihydrotestosteroneDHT manufacturer and chlorpromazine (30 mg/kg) produced significant 5-HT6 receptor occupancy in the brain, inhibiting radioligand binding by 88,97 and 81%, respectively. The blood concentrations required to achieve significant occupancy were clinically achievable (9.6, 26.9 and 98.6 nM for olanzapine, clozapine and chlorpromazine,

respectively). This data provides preclinical evidence to support the hypothesis that brain 5-HT6 antagonism BAY 11-7082 ic50 contributes to the procognitive properties of antipsychotic drugs such as olanzapine and clozapine. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Objective: The study’s objectives were to evaluate results and identify predictors of hospital and mid-term mortality after primary isolated aortic valve replacement; compare early and mid-term survival of patients aged more than 80 years or less than 80 years; and assess the effectiveness of the logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation in predicting the risk for hospital mortality in octogenarians with a logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation greater than 15% who are undergoing aortic valve replacement.

Methods: Data from 2256 patients undergoing primary isolated aortic valve replacement between January 2003 and December 2007 were prospectively collected in a Regional FRAX597 price Registry (Regione

Emilia Romagna Interventi Cardiochirurgia) and analyzed to estimate hospital and mid-term results.

Results: Overall hospital mortality was 2.2%. By multivariate analysis, New York Heart Association III and IV, Canadian Cardiovascular Society III and IV, pulmonary artery pressure greater than 60 mm Hg, dialysis, central neurologic dysfunction, and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease emerged as independent predictors of hospital mortality. At 3 years, the survival was 89.3%. The same predictors of hospital mortality plus ejection fraction of 30% to 50% and age more than 80 years emerged as independent risk factors for 3-year mortality. Compared with younger patients, octogenarians had a higher hospital mortality rate (3.72% vs 1.81%; P = .0143) and a reduced 3-year survival (82.3% vs 91.3%; P < .001).

Two patients received percutaneous venography Routine blood test

Two patients received percutaneous venography. Routine blood testing was carried out in all cases. A combination of absolute

alcohol and Bleomycin BAY 1895344 A5 embolosclerotherapy was administered to the patients. The procedure was repeated after 6 to 8 weeks. Outcomes were assessed by MRI measurement and pre and post treatment color photos.

Results: All the patients were diagnosed with hemorrhage in VMs. The volume of the localized lesions varied from 3 cm X 2 cm X I cm to 8 cm X 5 cm X 3 cm. Fourteen patients received embolosclerotherapy in one (n = 10) or two (n = 4) sessions. Two cases were not treated and the lesions regressed spontaneous]), with detectable residual lesions. After a mean follow-tip of 25 months (range, 3 to 40 months), treatment was considered effective in 12 patients. The complications were minimal including temporary swelling in 14 treated patients and mild fever in two patients.

Conclusion: Intralesional hemorrhage in VMs should be distinguished from other lesions in the head and neck region. Diagnostic puncture and MRI are essential for accurate diagnosis. Percutaneous embolosclerotherapy 3-Methyladenine using a combination of absolute ethanol and Blcomycin A5 is a safe and effective treatment of choice. (J Vasc Surg 2009;49:429-34.)”

Surgical ventricular

reconstruction is a specific procedure designed to reduce left ventricular volume in patients with heart failure caused by coronary artery disease. We conducted a trial to address the question of whether surgical ventricular Bcl-2 inhibitor reconstruction added to coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) would decrease the rate of death or hospitalization for cardiac causes, as compared with CABG alone.


Between September 2002 and January 2006, a

total of 1000 patients with an ejection fraction of 35% or less, coronary artery disease that was amenable to CABG, and dominant anterior left ventricular dysfunction that was amenable to surgical ventricular reconstruction were randomly assigned to undergo either CABG alone (499 patients) or CABG with surgical ventricular reconstruction (501 patients). The primary outcome was a composite of death from any cause and hospitalization for cardiac causes. The median follow-up was 48 months.


Surgical ventricular reconstruction reduced the end-systolic volume index by 19%, as compared with a reduction of 6% with CABG alone. Cardiac symptoms and exercise tolerance improved from baseline to a similar degree in the two study groups. However, no significant difference was observed in the primary outcome, which occurred in 292 patients (59%) who were assigned to undergo CABG alone and in 289 patients (58%) who were assigned to undergo CABG with surgical ventricular reconstruction ( hazard ratio for the combined approach, 0.99; 95% confidence interval, 0.84 to 1.17; P = 0.90).

Further experiments extended these findings


Further experiments extended these findings.

Experiment 1 infused pre-session intra-amygdala R(+) 7-OH-DPAT (0, selleck 0.1, 1 nmol) during conditioned approach acquisition. Experiment 2 applied pre-session intra-amygdala R(+) 7-OH-DPAT (0, 0.01, 0.1, 1 nmol) during expression of the same response, once well learned. Experiment 3 required the inhibition of a conditioned approach response following unconditioned stimulus (US) removal. Experiment 4 examined the ability of animals with prior drug experience to acquire a conditioned response to a novel stimulus.

Experiments 1-3 showed that pre-session amygdala

R(+) 7-OH-DPAT impaired acquisition of either excitatory or inhibitory conditioned responding, but was ineffective following overtraining. Drug-induced

impairments in acquisition of a specific conditioned stimulus (CS)-US relationship continued well beyond the cessation of drug treatment, but were found not to transfer to an alternate CS in Experiment 4.

Pre-session dopamine receptor activation within the amygdala may impair the acquisition, but not expression, of CS-US associations. Enhanced learning reported earlier following post-session dopamine receptor activation may occur indirectly through reduced interference with the consolidation of recent learning.”
“Introduction: this website In peptide receptor radionuclide therapy for neuroendocrine tumors the main dose-limiting tissue is found in the kidneys because of tubular reabsorption and retention of radioactivity. The aim of this check details study was to quantify late effects in renal cortex of nude mice exposed to high amounts of [Lu-177]-DOTA-Tyr(3)-octreotate [Lu-177]-DOTATATE), and to determine whether a threshold dose value exists

for these findings.

Methods: Nude mice were exposed to 90, 120 or 150 MBq of [Lu-177]-DOTATATE. Renal toxicity was evaluated up to 6 months after injection. Blood samples were collected to examine renal functional markers, and after sacrifice at 6 months changes in renal morphology were explored. Tissue damage was estimated by quantifying the relative area of the different subunits in the renal cortex using point counting. Additional morphological signs of radiation damage were also noted. The absorbed doses to the kidneys were estimated by previously determined kidney pharmacokinetics and Monte Carlo simulations for different assumptions regarding the activity distribution.

Results: Increased serum creatinine and urea values indicated long-term renal toxicity. The tissue area occupied by proximal tubules decreased with increasing doses of [Lu-177]-DOTATATE, whereas the other subunits in cortex slightly increased. The mean absorbed dose in the renal cortex for [Lu-177]-DOTATATE was estimated to be 35-58 Gy for the different groups of animals.

The present study evaluated the effects of the two drugs in norma

The present study evaluated the effects of the two drugs in normal, intact, young adult monkeys to determine whether they check details can result

in cognitive enhancement in a system that is presumably functioning optimally.

Six young pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were trained on delayed non-matching-to-sample task, a measure of visual recognition memory, up to criterion of 90% correct responses on each of the four delays (10 s, 30s, 60 s, and 90 s). They were then tested on two versions of the task: Task 1 included the four delays intermixed within a session and the monkeys performed it with the accuracy of 90%. Task 2 included, in each of 24 trials, a list of six objects presented in succession. Two objects from the list were then presented for choice paired with novel objects and following two of the four delays intermixed within a session. This task with a higher mnemonic demand yielded

an average performance of 64% correct. Oral administration of huperzine A did not significantly affect the monkeys’ performance on either task. However, a significant negative correlation was found between the baseline performance on each delay and the change in performance under huperzine A, suggesting that under conditions in which the subjects were performing poorly (55-69%), the drug resulted in improved performance, whereas no improvement was obtained when the baseline was close to 90%. Adriamycin In fact, when the subjects were performing very well, huperzine A tended to reduce the performance during accuracy, indicating that in a system that functions optimally, the increased availability of acetylcholine does not improve performance or memory, especially when the animals are close to the maximum performance. In contrast, oral administration of IDRA 21 significantly improved performance on Task 2, especially on the longest delay. This finding supports the potential use of this drug in treatment of cognitive and memory disorders.

This article is part of a Special Issue entitled ‘Trends in Neuropharmacology: In Memory of Erminio Costa’. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Objective: Our objective was

to introduce a new index to evaluate left ventricular aneurysm by quantitative analysis of left ventricular apical geometry.

Methods: A total of 116 selected subjects underwent magnetic resonance imaging, 28 healthy volunteers, 29 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, and 59 patients with ischemic heart disease (26 with left ventricular aneurysm; 33 with no aneurysm). The apical conicity ratio was calculated as the ratio of left ventricular apical area over apical triangle.

Results: Diastolic apical conicity ratio of patients with left ventricular aneurysm was 1.62 +/- 0.20 and systolic apical conicity ratio was 1.78 +/- 0.43. After left ventricular reconstruction, the diastolic apical conicity ratio decreased to 1.47 +/- 0.

6% annual rate of increase Breast cancer killed 425


6% annual rate of increase. Breast cancer killed 425

000 (359 000-453 000) women in 2010, of whom 68 000 (62 000-74 000) were aged 15-49 years in developing countries. Cervical cancer death rates have been decreasing but the disease still killed 200 000 (139 000-276 000) women in 2010, of whom 46 000 (33 000-64 000) were aged 15-49 years in developing I-BET-762 mouse countries. We recorded pronounced variation in the trend in breast cancer mortality across regions and countries.

Interpretation More policy attention is needed to strengthen established health-system responses to reduce breast and cervical cancer, especially in developing countries.”
“How the actin cytoskeleton assembles into different structures to drive PU-H71 diverse cellular processes is a fundamental cell biological question. In addition to orchestrating the appropriate combination of regulators and actin-binding proteins, different actin-based structures must insulate themselves from one another to maintain specificity within a crowded cytoplasm. Actin specification is particularly challenging in complex eukaryotes where a multitude of protein isoforms and actin structures operate within the same cell. Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe possesses a single actin isoform that functions in three distinct structures throughout the cell cycle. In this review we explore recent studies in fission yeast that help unravel

how different actin structures operate in cells.”
“For the proteomic study of mitochondrial membranes, documented high quality mitochondrial preparations are a necessity to ensure proper localization. Despite the state-of-the-art

technologies currently in use, there is no single technique that can be used for all studies of mitochondrial membrane proteins. Herein, we use examples to highlight solubilization techniques, different chromatographic methods, and developments CRT0066101 purchase in gel electrophoresis for proteomic analysis of mitochondrial membrane proteins. Blue-native gel electrophoresis has been successful not only for dissection of the inner membrane oxidative phosphorylation system, but also for the components of the outer membrane such as those involved in protein import. Identification of PTMs such as phosphorylation, acetylation, and nitration of mitochondrial membrane proteins has been greatly improved by the use of affinity techniques. However, understanding of the biological effect of these modifications is an area for further exploration. The rapid development of proteomic methods for both identification and quantitation, especially for modifications, will greatly impact the understanding of the mitochondrial membrane proteome.”
“Background The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity needs effective approaches for weight loss in primary care and community settings. We compared weight loss with standard treatment in primary care with that achieved after referral by the primary care team to a commercial provider in the community.

Methods: An outbreak of MDR Pa occurred on our vascular surgical

Methods: An outbreak of MDR Pa occurred on our vascular surgical ward during a 13-month period. Bacteria Cultures positive for MDR Pa were obtained from 129 patients, and 64 CLI patients treated with IBS formed the study group. A control group of 64 was retrospectively matched from MDR Pa-negative patients treated with IBS in the same unit according to sex, age, presence of diabetes, Fontaine class, graft material, and site of the distal anastomosis. The most frequent sites of initial positive MDR Pa culture were the incisional wound in 30 (47%) and ischemic ulcer in 23 (36%). Median time between the positive MDR Pa-culture and IBS was 14 days (range, 56 days pre-IBS to 246 days post-IBS). Graft patency, survival,

leg salvage, and amputation-free survival were assessed.

Results: One-year amputation-free survival (standard error) was 52% +/- 6% in the MDR Pa group vs 75% +/- 5% in the control YAP-TEAD Inhibitor 1 group (P = .02). Five-year amputation-free survival was 29% +/- 6% in the MDR Pa group and 32% +/- 6% in the control group (P = .144). selleck compound For MDR Pa and control groups, the 1-year survival was 69% +/- 6% and 82% +/- 5% (P = .063), respectively, and 5-year survival was 36% 6% and 36% 6% (P = .302), respectively. For the MDR Pa and control groups, leg salvage was 79% +/- 5% and 92% +/-

4% at 1 year (P = .078) and 73% +/- 7% and 87% +/- 5% at 5 years (P = .126), respectively. The overall secondary patency rate at 1 year was 72% +/- 7% in the MDR Pa group vs 81% +/- 6% in the control group (P = .149). Local wound surgery was more frequent in MDR Pa patients than

in controls (P = .002).

Conclusions: The MDR Pa outbreak was associated with a decreased short-term amputation-free survival after IBS for CLI in patients with positive MDR Pa culture. The potential risks of MDR Pa should be seriously considered whenever a positive culture is obtained in a vascular patient with CLI. (J Vasc Surg 2009;50:806-12.)”
“Background: Management of renal artery stenosis (RAS) with primary renal artery percutaneous angioplasty and MEK162 cost stenting (RA-PTAS) is associated with a low risk of periprocedural death and major complications; however, restenosis develops in a subset of patients and repeat intervention may be required. We examined the incidence of restenosis after RA-PTAS and associations with clinical factors.

Methods: Consecutive patients undergoing RA-PTAS for hemodynamically significant atherosclerotic RAS associated with hypertension or ischemic nephropathy, or both, between October 2003 and September 2007 were identified from a registry. Restenosis was defined using duplex ultrasound (DUS) imaging as a renal artery postintervention peak systolic velocity (PSV) >= 180 cm/s. The incidence and temporal distribution of restenosis was analyzed using survival analysis based on treated kidneys. Associations between clinical factors and recurrent stenosis were examined using proportional hazards regression.

Non-fatal serious adverse events suspected to be vaccine-related

Non-fatal serious adverse events suspected to be vaccine-related were reported via routine post-immunisation safety surveillance in 18 children.

Interpretation This nationwide trial showed high PHiD-CV10 effectiveness against invasive pneumococcal disease when given in different schedules. For the first time, effectiveness of a 2+1 schedule in infants was confirmed in a clinical trial.”
“P-glycoprotein (P-gp) plays an important role in the efflux of drugs from the brain back into the bloodstream and can influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics JIB04 of drug molecules.

To our knowledge, no studies have reported pharmacodynamic effects of any antidepressant drug in the P-gp knockout AZD4547 supplier mice model.

The aim of this study was to investigate the enantiomeric

venlafaxine and metabolite concentrations in serum and brain of abcb1ab (-/-) mice compared to wild-type mice upon chronic dosing, and to assess the effect of venlafaxine treatment on open-field behavior.

P-gp knockout and wild-type mice received two daily intraperitoneal injections of venlafaxine (10 mg/kg) over ten consecutive days. Locomotor and rearing activities were assessed on days 7 and 9. After 10 days, drug and metabolite concentrations in brain and serum were determined using an enantioselective LC/MS/MS method.

The brain concentrations of venlafaxine and its three demethylated metabolites were two to four times higher in abcb1ab (-/-) mice compared to abcb1ab (+/+) mice. The behavioral results indicated an impact on exploration-related behaviors in the open-field as center activity was increased, and rears were SHP099 chemical structure decreased by venlafaxine treatment.

Our results show that P-gp at the blood-brain barrier plays an important role in limiting brain entry of the enantiomers of venlafaxine and its metabolites after chronic dosing. Taken together, the present pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic findings offer the possibility that

the expression of P-gp in patients may be a contributing factor for limited treatment response.”
“Background Every year, 1.1 million babies die from prematurity, and many survivors are disabled. Worldwide, 15 million babies are born preterm (<37 weeks’ gestation), with two decades of increasing rates in almost all countries with reliable data. The understanding of drivers and potential benefit of preventive interventions for preterm births is poor. We examined trends and estimate the potential reduction in preterm births for countries with very high human development index (VHHDI) if present evidence-based interventions were widely implemented. This analysis is to inform a rate reduction target for Born Too Soon.

Methods Countries were assessed for inclusion based on availability and quality of preterm prevalence data (2000-10), and trend analyses with projections undertaken. We analysed drivers of rate increases in the USA, 1989-2004.

So far, there has been insufficient data on the relationship betw

So far, there has been insufficient data on the relationship between glutamate transporters and cytokines in neuropathic pain. This investigation was designed to evaluate the interaction

between co-administration of ceftriaxone, a specific GLT1 activator and minocycline, a specific microglia inhibitor, on the mechanical and cold allodynia of chronic constriction injury model (CCI) in rats. Moreover, alteration of the spinal concentration of proinflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) was studied. Ceftriaxone (100, 150 and 200 mg/kg, buy Danusertib i.p.) and minocycline (25, 50 and 100 mg/kg, i.p.) were administered either alone or in combination for 7 days. Gabapentin (100 mg/kg, i.p.) was selected as a reference drug. Behavioral evaluations were performed 1 day before and on days 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 after surgery. Each of drugs produced a dose-dependent reversal of the neuropathic pain behaviors. Area under the curve (AUC) of combination therapy revealed that minocycline potentiated cold Gemcitabine in vivo and mechanical antiallodynic effects of ceftriaxone. TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta increased in the spinal cord of CCI animals on days 3, 7 and 14 post-surgery. Production of studied cytokines was significantly attenuated after

treatment with ceftriaxone alone and in combination with minocycline compared with control group. It is suggested that combination of these classes of drugs would be a promising approach for treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published

by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Aims: We have developed a direct already viable count (DVC)-FISH procedure for quickly and easily discriminating between viable and nonviable cells of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus strains, the traditional yogurt bacteria.

Methods and Results: direct viable count method has been modified and adapted for Lact. delbrueckii subsp, bulgaricus and Strep. thermophilus analysis by testing different times of incubation and concentrations of DNA-gyrase inhibitors. DVC procedure has been combined with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for the specific detection of viable cells of both bacteria with specific rRNA oligonucleotide probes (DVC-FISH). Of the four antibiotics tested (novobiocin, nalidixic acid, pipemidic acid and ciprofloxacin), novobiocin was the most effective for DVC method and the optimum incubation time was 7 h for both bacteria. The number of viable cells was obtained by the enumeration of specific hybridized cells that were elongated at least twice their original length for Lactobacillus and twice their original size for Streptococcus.

Conclusions: This technique was successfully applied to detect viable cells in inoculated faeces.

Seventeen patients completed questions regarding satisfaction: 10

Seventeen patients completed questions regarding satisfaction: 10 were satisfied or very satisfied (zero graft, 10 patch; P = .25), while four

were unsatisfied (three graft, two patch; P = .017, including one patient with both a patch and graft repair). All 20 patients for whom follow-up data were available are still cycling, 10 competitively. Two of the four reoperated Batimastat cost patients were unsatisfied; all four are still cycling, one competitively.

Conclusions: External iliac arteriopathy is a disease of prolonged, sustained, and repetitive trauma. Patch angioplasty yields a low rate of reoperation, more satisfied patients, return to competitive activity, and improvement in postexercise ankle-brachial indices. Interposition grafting is associated with slightly older patients, more extensive disease, and less satisfying results. Intimal hyperplasia is the most frequent complication necessitating reoperation. Both the decision Fosbretabulin supplier to pursue arterial reconstruction and patient expectations must be tempered by the pattern of disease and the potential for unsatisfactory results. (J Vasc Surg 2012;55:1338-45.)”
“Skeletal muscle aging is

associated with a loss in tissue mass and contractile strength, as well as fiber type shifting and bioenergetic adaptation processes. Since mitochondria represent the primary site for energy generation via oxidative phosphorylation, we investigated potential changes in the expression pattern of the mitochondrial proteome Pregnenolone using the highly sensitive DIGE approach. The comparative analysis of the mitochondria-enriched fraction from young adult versus aged muscle revealed an age-related change in abundance for 39 protein species. MS technology identified the majority of altered proteins as constituents of muscle mitochondria. An age-dependent increase was observed for NADH dehydrogenase, the mitochondrial inner membrane protein mitofilin, peroxiredoxin isoform PRX-III, ATPase synthase, succinate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial fission protein Fis1, succinate-coenzyme A ligase, acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase, porin isoform VDAC2, ubiquinol-cytochrome

c reductase core I protein and prohibitin. Immunoblotting, enzyme testing and confocal microscopy were used to validate proteomic findings. The DIGE-identified increase in key mitochondrial elements during aging agrees with the concept that sarcopenia is associated with a shift to a slower contractile phenotype and more pronounced aerobic-oxidative metabolism. This suggests that mitochondrial markers are reliable candidates that should be included in the future establishment of a biomarker signature of skeletal muscle aging.”
“Background: This prospective, randomized controlled clinical trial determined whether an optimal exercise program length exists to efficaciously change claudication onset time (COT) and peak walking time (PWT) in patients with peripheral artery disease and claudication.

Glutamate- or cocaine-induced pSLA was inhibited by ceftriaxone,

Glutamate- or cocaine-induced pSLA was inhibited by ceftriaxone, clavulanic acid, or tazobactam, but not by the non-beta-lactam antibiotic vancomyocin. The present findings indicate beta-lactamase inhibitors display efficacy, and mimic ceftriaxone activity, in an invertebrate anti-seizure screen. These results suggest beta-lactamase inhibitors-particularly ones such as clavulanic acid that display enhanced brain penetrability, oral bioavailability, and negligible anti-bacterial activity-might offer an attractive alternative to direct antibiotic therapy for managing CNS diseases caused by increased glutamate transmission and provide a solution to the growing concern that ceftriaxone

will be of only limited utility as a CNS-active therapeutic because of its intolerable side effects. (C) 2010 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Objective: Less invasive approaches to mitral valve surgery are increasingly used this website for improved cosmesis; however, few studies have investigated their effect on outcome. selleck We sought to compare these minimally invasive approaches fairly with conventional full sternotomy by using propensity-matching methods.

Methods: From January 1995 to January 2004, 2124 patients underwent isolated mitral valve surgery

through a minimally invasive approach, and 1047 underwent isolated mitral valve surgery through a conventional sternotomy. Because there were important found differences in patient characteristics, a propensity score based on 42 factors was used to obtain 590 well-matched patient pairs (56% of cases).

Results: In-hospital mortality was similar for propensity-matched patients: 0.17%(1/590) for those undergoing minimally invasive surgery and 0.85%(5/590) for those undergoing conventional surgery (P = .2). Occurrences of stroke (P = .8), renal failure (P > .9), myocardial infarction (P = .7), and infection (P = .8) were also similar.

However, 24-hour mediastinal drainage was less after minimally invasive surgery (median, 250 vs 350 mL; P < .0001), and fewer patients received transfusions (30% vs 37%, P = .01). More patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery were extubated in the operating room (18% vs 5.7%, P < .0001), and postoperative forced expiratory volume in 1 second was higher. Early after operation, pain scores were lower (P < .0001) after minimally invasive surgery.

Conclusion: Within that portion of the spectrum of mitral valve surgery in which propensity matching was possible, minimally invasive mitral valve surgery had cosmetic, blood product use, respiratory, and pain advantages over conventional surgery, and no apparent detriments. Mortality and morbidity for robotic and percutaneous procedures should be compared with these minimally invasive outcomes. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010; 139: 926-32)”
“About 50% of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) survivors have cognitive or neurobehavioral dysfunction. The mechanisms are not known.