7) The smaller paryphoplasm-equivalent compartment surrounds the

7). The smaller paryphoplasm-equivalent compartment surrounds the pirellulosome and lies between the ICM and the CM. Figure 7 Transmission electron micrograph of high-pressure frozen and cryosubstituted cell of Chthoniobacter flavus , showing paryphoplasm (P) and an intracytoplasmic https://www.selleckchem.com/products/blu-285.html membrane (ICM) enclosing a pirellulosome region containing a condensed fibrillar nucleoid (N) which surrounds an electron-dense granule. Inset – enlarged

view of region of cell outlined in the white box showing cytoplasmic membrane (CM), paryphoplasm (P) and intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM). Bar – 200 nm. Cell compartmentalization in strain Ellin514 In high-pressure frozen and cryosubstituted strain Ellin514, known to be a representative of subdivision 3 of the phylum Verrucomicrobia, cells were also found to possess a major pirellulosome compartment separated by an ICM from an outer paryphoplasm, AZD5582 manufacturer again analogous to the planctomycete cell plan (Fig. 8). The

pirellulosome compartment possessed a condensed fibrillar nucleoid associated with electron-transparent oval granules, and was filled with polyhedral PI3K Inhibitor Library cell line bodies of varying electron density. Ribosomes were not clearly visible and the polyhedral bodies seem to occupy most of the pirellulosome. Figure 8 Transmission electron micrograph of high-pressure frozen and cryosubstituted cell of verrucomicrobia strain Ellin514, showing paryphoplasm (P),

and intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) enclosing a pirellulosome possessing polyhedral bodies (PB) surrounding a condensed fibrillar nucleoid (N) containing granules. Inset: enlarged view of region of cell outlined in the white box showing cytoplasmic membrane (CM), paryphoplasm (P) and intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM). Bar – 200 nm. Discussion We have demonstrated that all four members of the phylum Verrucomicrobia examined, Verrucomicrobium spinosum, Prosthecobacter dejongeii, Chthoniobacter flavus, and verrucomicrobia strain Ellin514, share a basic cell plan analogous to that found in members of the phylum Planctomycetes. This cell plan is characterized BCKDHB by compartmentalization of the cell cytoplasm by a major cell organelle bounded by a single membrane containing all the cell DNA in a fibrillar condensed nucleoid, as well as ribosome-like particles. This major membrane-bounded organelle is equivalent to the pirellulosome of planctomycetes, and its bounding membrane is equivalent to the intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) defined in planctomycetes as surrounding the pirellulosome [18]. Consistent with the structural analogies between verrucomicrobia and planctomycetes, the ribosome-free region between the ICM of the pirellulosome and the cytoplasmic membrane in verrucomicrobia can be considered equivalent to the paryphoplasm of planctomycetes.

Bacteriocin encoding genes Figures 1 and 2 also present the resul

Bacteriocin encoding genes Figures 1 and 2 also present the results for bacteriocin encoding genes assessed in the Lactococcus spp. and Enterococcus spp. isolates, respectively. All Lactococcus spp. isolates presented lantibiotic genes in distinct associations, only one (GLc02) presenting lanB, lanC and lanM simultaneously (Figure 1). lanB was the less frequent gene, while lanC and lanM usually were present simultaneously in the majority

of isolates; this result was expected, since both genes are located see more in the same operon in the bacterial genome [52]. However, the isolated presence of lanC or lanM has already been described in previous studies [19, 25]. For Enterococcus isolates, 30 isolates presented at least one of the tested lantibiotic genes; no isolates presented lanB, lanC and lanM simultaneously (Figure 2). Cytolisin is a class I lantibiotic

produced by Enterococcus spp., a bacteriocin that can be related to the tested genes [53]. Considering the antimicrobial potential of the isolates, the presence of at least one of the tested genes would be sufficient for lantibiotic production [17, 19]. A lower frequency of positive results was observed for nis in the tested Lactococcus isolates (9 strains) compared to similar studies identifying the bacteriocinogenic potential of this genus (Figure 1) [9, 22, 25, 49]. Still considering the results for the nis gene, ten Enterococcus isolates presented typical PCR amplification products (Figure 2). The occurrence of Enterococcus

strains possessing nisin-related genes has already been reported, and Serine/threonin kinase inhibitor can be explained by the capability of this genus to acquire new genetic elements [40]. However, positive results for the nis gene must not be related to the production of nisin by Enterococcus isolates. No Enterococcus isolates presenting encoded genes for enterocin A and enterocin AS-48 (Figure 2). Only a GSK126 price single isolate (GEn27) presented a positive result for the enterocin B gene, and 10 isolates, from five distinct clusters, for the enterocin P gene (Figure 2). Enterocin A and enterocin P are bacteriocins Cobimetinib in vivo classified in subclass IIa (pediocin-like bacteriocins), with typical high inhibitory activity against Listeria spp. [53]. The enterocin L50AB gene was detected in 29 isolates, from all identified genetic profiles (Figure 2); this bacterocin is classified in subclass IIb, characterized by its synthesis without leader peptides and demanding a complex system for transport [54, 55]. The three LAB isolates that presented antimicrobial activity but an absence of enzymatic sensitivity in their produced substances (Table 2) were two Lactococcus (GLc20 and GLc21) and one Enterococcus (GEn27) (Figures 1 and 2). However, the three isolates presented positive results for bacteriocin-related genes, indicating that they were unable to express them.

9 Hedgerow 7 Dermaptera 91 9 Hedgerow 3 Coleoptera 20 0 Hedgerow

9 Hedgerow 7 Dermaptera 91.9 Hedgerow 3 Coleoptera 20.0 Hedgerow 7 Beetle families Cantharidae 60.0 Hedgerow 1 Elateridae 39.8 Herbaceous floodplain 7 Lampyridae 68.4 Hedgerow 2 Latridiidae 39.1 Hedgerow 6 Nitidulidae 60.9 Hedgerow 4 Scarabaeidae 38.8 Grassland with scattered WH-4-023 fruit trees 5 Scydmanidae 49.2 Hedgerow 3 Silphidae 39.5 Herbaceous floodplain 7 Ground beetle genera Anchomenus 56.0 Hedgerow 7 Bembidion 37.9 River bank vegetation

7 Leistus 100.0 Hedgerow 1 Limodromus 76.5 Hedgerow 3 Nebria 47.0 Hedgerow 6 Notiophilus 55.0 Hedgerow 4 Panagaeus 47.5 Herbaceous floodplain 5 Ground beetle species Agonum micans 61.4 River bank vegetation 2 Amara aenea 74.1 Grassland with scattered fruit trees 3 Anchomenus dorsalis 56.0 Hedgerow 7 Bembidion tetracolum 99.3 River bank vegetation 2 Leistus fulvibarbis 80.0 Hedgerow 1 Leistus rufomarginatus 60.0 Hedgerow 1 Limodromus assimilis 76.5 Hedgerow 3 Nebria brevicollis 47.0 Hedgerow 6 Notiophilus biguttatus 80.0 Hedgerow 1 Panagaeus

cruxmajor Autophagy Compound Library 47.5 Herbaceous floodplain 5 The significance was tested with a random reallocation procedure comprising 500 permutations Discussion Limitations of the present analysis The present study compared four arthropod datasets of different taxonomic detail on their discriminatory power for selleck compound various environmental characteristics in a lowland floodplain area along the river Rhine. The datasets comprised arthropod groups at class-order level (n = 10), beetle families (n = 32), ground beetle genera (n = 30) and ground beetle species (n = 68). The variance partitioning showed similar results for the different datasets, suggesting that their discriminatory power for floodplain characteristics is comparable. The focus on beetles and ground beetles, however, inevitably raises the question whether the results are specific to these groups or of a more generic nature. More specifically,

one may wonder whether genera and species of for example ants, isopods, harvestmen or other beetle families would actually have shown larger discriminator power for the environmental variables investigated. One way to consider STK38 this question is to examine typical ratios among numbers of orders, families, genera, and species. The lower these ratios, the larger will be the similarities between responses and properties across different taxonomic levels (Lenat and Resh 2001). Conversely, high ratios could then indicate that a higher degree of taxonomic detail would increase the discriminatory power of the taxa. Considering the taxonomic diversity specific for The Netherlands, the order of the beetles (Coleoptera) is rather rich in both families and species in comparison to most of the other groups investigated (Dutch Species Catalogue; www.​nederlandsesoort​en.​nl). For example, the order of isopods (Isopoda) comprises 27 families including 306 species.

J Dent Res 2011,90(6):691–703 PubMedCrossRef 9 Ishihara K: Virul

J Dent Res 2011,90(6):691–703.PubMedCrossRef 9. Ishihara K: Virulence factors of Treponema

denticola . Periodontol 2000 2010,54(1):117–135.PubMedCrossRef 10. Simonson LG, Goodman CH, Bial JJ, Morton HE: Quantitative MLL inhibitor relationship of Treponema denticola to severity of periodontal disease. Infect Immun 1988,56(4):726–728.PubMed 11. Holt SC, Ebersole JL: Porphyromonas gingivalis , Treponema denticola , and Tannerella forsythia : the “red complex”, a prototype polybacterial pathogenic consortium in periodontitis. Periodontol 2000 2005, 38:72–122.PubMedCrossRef 12. Chan EC, Siboo R, Keng T, Psarra N, Hurley R, Cheng SL, Iugovaz I: Treponema denticola (ex Brumpt 1925) sp. nov., nom. rev., and identification of new spirochete isolates from periodontal pockets. Int J Syst Bacteriol 1993,43(2):196–203.PubMedCrossRef 13. Simonson MK-0457 LG, Rouse RF, Bockowski SW: Monoclonal antibodies that recognize a specific surface antigen of Treponema GSK1120212 price denticola . Infect Immun 1988,56(1):60–63.PubMed 14. Capone R, Wang HT, Ning Y, Sweier DG, Lopatin DE, Fenno JC: Human serum antibodies recognize Treponema denticola Msp and PrtP protease complex proteins. Oral Microbiol Immunol 2008,23(2):165–169.PubMedCrossRef 15. Wyss C, Moter A, Choi BK, Dewhirst FE, Xue Y, Schupbach P, Gobel UB, Paster BJ, Guggenheim B: Treponema

putidum sp. nov., a medium-sized proteolytic spirochaete isolated from lesions of human periodontitis and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2004,54(Pt 4):1117–1122.PubMedCrossRef 16. Heuner K,

Bergmann I, Heckenbach K, Gobel UB: Proteolytic activity among various oral Treponema species and cloning of a prtP-like gene of Treponema socranskii subsp. socranskii . FEMS Microbiol Lett 2001,201(2):169–176.PubMed 17. Dahle UR, Olsen I, Tronstad L, Caugant DA: Population genetic analysis of oral treponemes by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Oral Microbiol Immunol 1995,10(5):265–270.PubMedCrossRef 18. Seshadri R, Myers GS, Tettelin H, Eisen JA, Heidelberg JF, Dodson RJ, Davidsen TM, DeBoy RT, Fouts DE, Haft DH, et al.: Comparison of the genome of the oral pathogen Treponema denticola with other spirochete genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004,101(15):5646–5651.PubMedCrossRef 19. NIH Human Microbiome MRIP Project[http://​hmpdacc.​org/​] 20. Smajs D, Norris SJ, Weinstock GM: Genetic diversity in Treponema pallidum : implications for pathogenesis, evolution and molecular diagnostics of syphilis and yaws. Infect Genet Evol 2012,12(2):191–202.PubMedCrossRef 21. Gevers D, Cohan FM, Lawrence JG, Spratt BG, Coenye T, Feil EJ, Stackebrandt E, Van de Peer Y, Vandamme P, Thompson FL, et al.: Opinion: Re-evaluating prokaryotic species. Nat Rev Microbiol 2005,3(9):733–739.PubMedCrossRef 22. Hanage WP, Fraser C, Spratt BG: Fuzzy species among recombinogenic bacteria. BMC Biol 2005, 3:6.PubMedCrossRef 23.

This has been reported previously in mice where the deletion of t

This has been reported previously in mice where the deletion of the entire SPI1 had a learn more different effect than a single gene deletion [33]. However, it seems unlikely as other studies have yielded results that are consistent with some of our findings. For instance, two studies that screened transposon mutant libraries of Typhimurium for

reduced colonization of the chicken gastrointestinal tract either found mutations in SPI1 but not in SPI2 [28] or that SPI1 mutations had greater influence [29]. Despite the fact that cecal swabbing was used to recover strains in these two studies, which may fail GW3965 mw to catch low level colonization, both studies still identified SPI1 as important in intestinal colonization.

Cecal colonization was also reported to decrease substantially after the deletion of SPI1 T3SS components [26]. Additionally, a study with S. enterica serovar Enteritidis, which displays an infection pattern similar to www.selleckchem.com/products/qnz-evp4593.html Typhimurium, showed that deletion of the ssrA gene, encoding the sensor component of the SsrAB two-component system that is the major regulator of the SPI2 gene expression, did not affect the colonization of the chicken digestive tract [34]. All together these results suggest that Typhimurium relies less on SPI2 than on SPI1 for colonization of the intestinal track in one-week-old chicks. In contrast, Jones et al. [27] analyzed the contribution of SPI1 and SPI2 to the colonization of chickens by Typhimurium through the deletion of a single T3SS structural gene in each. They concluded that the SPI2 T3SS was required for systemic infection and played a significant role in the colonization of the

gastrointestinal tract, while the SPI1 T3SS was involved in both compartments without being essential [27]. There are several important differences between that study and ours. First, Jones et al. used derivatives of the Typhimurium F98 strain [9] while we used derivatives of the UK-1 strain [36]. While both have been well characterized for virulence and persistence in chickens, their mean lethal dose (LD50) in day of hatch chicks differ by two orders of magnitude with F98 at 5 × 105 cfu [35] and UK-1 at approximately 2 × 103 [36]. Second, they studied mutants 2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA lyase in which a single structural T3SS gene was inactivated while in our mutants the entire SPI1 and all the SPI2 T3SS structural genes were deleted. Third, they determined the level of colonization of the chicken by calculating the bacterial density (number of colony forming unit per gram) in the organs after administration of single strains while we infected the chickens with mixtures of the two strains being compared and determined the competitive index. These differences may account for the differences in the results.

There were 4,827 men who did not

There were 4,827 men who did not Fludarabine research buy report a history of COPD or asthma and were not prescribed any medications indicated for COPD or asthma. Of the 714 men who were identified as having COPD or asthma, 434 were not prescribed corticosteroids, 103 were prescribed an oral steroid, and 177 were prescribed

inhaled corticosteroid. There were 16 men who were prescribed both an oral and inhaled corticosteroid, and they were grouped with the men who were taking oral steroids only. Duration of lung disease or corticosteroid treatment was not obtained. Bone mineral PRIMA-1MET supplier density Bone mineral density was measured at the lumbar spine, total hip, and hip subregions using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA; QDR 4500W, Hologic, Inc., Waltham, Massachusetts, USA). Lumbar spine BMD for each subject was measured in the anterior–posterior projection and calculated as the mean of the BMD from the first through fourth lumbar vertebrae. All measurements of hip DXA BMD were made on the right hip, unless, the subject reported a right hip replacement or metal objects in the right leg in which case the IWR-1 chemical structure left hip was measured. Repeat BMD were measured using the same DXA machines and methodology employed at visit 1. The percent BMD change was determined by subtracting BMD at the baseline from BMD at the follow-up visit divided by baseline

BMD and was expressed as an annualized percentage of the baseline value (percent/year). A central quality control lab, certification of DXA operators, and standardized procedures for scanning were used to insure reproducibility of DXA measurements. At baseline, a set of spine, hip, and linearity phantoms were circulated and measured at the six clinical sites. The variability across clinics was within acceptable limits, and cross calibration correction

factors were not required. To adjust for interclinic differences, statistical models include indicator variable for the individual Etofibrate scanners. Each clinic scanned a spine and hip phantom throughout the study to monitor longitudinal changes, and correction factors were applied to participant data as appropriate. The precision of DXA scans of the spine and hip is 1–2% [8]. Using normative data for young adult white males, BMD was categorized as normal, low bone mineral density, or osteoporosis, as defined by the World Health Organization [9, 10]. To calculate hip and femoral neck T-scores, mean, and SD reference values from NHANES III were used [11]. For the spine T-scores , mean and SD reference values from the Hologic database were used. Participants with a T-score ≤−2.5 SD were categorized as having osteoporosis. Fractures After the baseline examination, participants were contacted about fractures every 4 months by postcard or telephone.

The variation of surface markers in DCs of patients with CC, CIN

The variation of surface markers in DCs of patients with CC, CIN and controls To further characterize DCs in cancer patients, we next determined their expressions of the surface markers HLA-DR, CD80, and CD86 by flow cytometry. The expressions of these antigens are shown in Table 2 and Figure 3. We found the HLA-DR expression in the CIN group (48.09 ± 16.07%) was higher than that in the healthy individuals www.selleckchem.com/products/citarinostat-acy-241.html (42.70 ± 17.53%) and highest in patients with cervical carcinoma (60.59 ± 14.64%). It was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the CC group compared to the CIN group and the controls. But no significant

differences (P > 0.05) between the CIN groups and the controls were observed. Table 2 The functional immunophenotypings of DCs in patients selleck screening library with CC, CINII-III and controls   Normal (n = 62) CINII-III (n = 54) CC (n = 37) P HLA-DR 42.70 ± 17.53 48.09 ± 16.07 60.59 ± 14.64 0.082* 0.000** 0.001*** CD80 51.2 3 ± 17.16 49.52 ± 21.74 39.59 ± 17.39 0.633* 0.004** 0.017*** CD86 49.02 ± 21.58 46.92 ± 15.24 42.54 ± 19.51 0.803* 0.157** 0.111*** *Normal vs CINII~III; ** Normal vs CC; *** CINII~III vs CC P of the three groups: HLA-DR: P = 0.000, F = 13.634; CD80: P = 0.012, F = 4.587; CD86: P = 0.241, F = 1.438 Figure 3 The functional immunophenotypings of DCs in patients with CC, CIN and controls. We also detected the expression

of CD80 and CD86 on the surface of DCs. The expression of CD80 and CD86 in the CIN group (CD80: 49.52 ± 21.74%; CD86: 46.92 ± 15.24%) was lower than that of the healthy individuals (CD80: 51.23 ± 17.16%; CD86: 49.02 ± 21.58%), and lowest in patients with cervical carcinoma (CD80: 39.59 ± 17.39%; CD86: 42.54 ± 19.51%). There was significantly lower (P < 0.05) CD80 expression in the CC groups than in the controls, and also significantly lower expression (P < 0.05) in the CC group than in the CIN group. But no significant differences (P > 0.05) between the CIN groups and the controls were observed. There were no significant differences in CD86 between any groups. DCs from the peripheral blood of cancer patients thus exhibit decreased expression of these costimulatory SCH772984 cost molecules as compared to controls.

Cytokine secretion in CC, CIN and controls Enzalutamide clinical trial We next investigated cytokine secretion in patients with CC and CIN compared to controls. The levels of these cytokines are shown in Table 3and Figure 4, Figure 5. Women with CIN (18.19 ± 12.58 pg/mL) had significantly higher IL-6 levels in their peripheral blood than did controls (11.29 ± 6.36 pg/mL); IL-6 levels were highest in women with CC (23.67 ± 11.36 pg/mL). There were significant differences between any two groups. Table 3 The serum cytokines secretion in patients with CC, CINII-III and controls   Normal (n = 62) CINII-III (n = 54) CC (n = 37) P IL-6 ( pg/ml) 11.29 ± 6.36 18.19 ± 12.58 23.67 ± 11.36 0.000* 0.000** 0.013*** TGFβ ( ng/ml ) 5.60 ± 4.83 6.41 ± 5.20 18.22 ± 12.18 0.598* 0.000** 0.000*** IL-10 ( pg/ml ) 52.69 ± 28.27 57.

BMC Microbiol 2009,9(Suppl 1):S2 PubMedCrossRef 18 Beare PA, Uns

BMC Microbiol 2009,9(Suppl 1):S2.PubMedCrossRef 18. Beare PA, Unsworth N, Andoh M, Voth

DE, Omsland A, Gilk SD, Williams KP, Sobral BW, Kupko JJ 3rd, Porcella SF, et al.: Comparative genomics reveal extensive transposon-mediated genomic plasticity and diversity selleck among potential effector proteins within the genus Coxiella . Infect Immun 2009,77(2):642–656.PubMedCrossRef 19. Seshadri R, Paulsen IT, Eisen JA, Read TD, Nelson KE, Nelson WC, Ward NL, Tettelin H, Davidsen TM, Beanan MJ, et al.: Complete genome sequence of the Q-fever pathogen Coxiella burnetii . Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003,100(9):5455–5460.PubMedCrossRef 20. Delepelaire P: Type I secretion in gram-negative bacteria. Biochim Biophys PARP inhibitor Acta 2004,1694(1–3):149–161.PubMedCrossRef 21. Foreman DT, Martinez Y, Coombs G, Torres A, Kupersztoch YM: TolC and DsbA are needed for the secretion of STB, a heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli . Mol Microbiol 1995,18(2):237–245.PubMedCrossRef 22. Yamanaka H, Nomura T, Fujii Y, Okamoto K: Need for TolC, an Escherichia coli outer membrane protein, in the secretion of heat-stable enterotoxin I across the outer membrane. Microb Pathog 1998,25(3):111–120.PubMedCrossRef 23. Kaur SJ, Rahman MS, Ammerman NC, Beier-Sexton M, Ceraul SM, Gillespie JJ, Azad AF: TolC-dependent secretion of an ankyrin repeat-containing protein of Rickettsia typhi . J Bacteriol 2012,194(18):4920–4932.PubMedCrossRef

24. Cianciotto NP: Type II secretion: a protein secretion system for all seasons. Trends Microbiol 2005,13(12):581–588.PubMedCrossRef 25. Peabody CR, Chung YJ, Yen MR, Vidal-Ingigliardi D, Pugsley AP, Saier MH Jr: Type II protein secretion and its relationship to bacterial type IV pili and archaeal flagella. Microbiology 2003,149(11):3051–3072.PubMedCrossRef 26. Zogaj X, Chakraborty S, Liu J, Thanassi DG, Klose KE: Characterization of

the Francisella tularensis subsp. novicida type IV pilus. Microbiology 2008,154(7):2139–2150.PubMedCrossRef 27. Clomifene Hager AJ, Bolton DL, Pelletier MR, Brittnacher MJ, Gallagher LA, Kaul R, Skerrett SJ, Miller SI, Guina T: Type IV pili-mediated secretion modulates Francisella virulence. Mol Microbiol 2006,62(1):227–237.PubMedCrossRef 28. Forsberg A, Guina T: Type II secretion and type IV pili of Francisella . Ann NY Acad Sci 2007, 1105:187–201.PubMedCrossRef 29. Han X, Kennan RM, Parker D, Davies JK, Rood JI: Type IV fimbrial Anlotinib biogenesis is required for protease secretion and natural transformation in Dichelobacter nodosus . J Bacteriol 2007,189(14):5022–5033.PubMedCrossRef 30. Kirn TJ, Bose N, Taylor RK: Secretion of a soluble colonization factor by the TCP type 4 pilus biogenesis pathway in Vibrio cholerae . Mol Microbiol 2003,49(1):81–92.PubMedCrossRef 31. Kennan RM, Dhungyel OP, Whittington RJ, Egerton JR, Rood JI: The type IV fimbrial subunit gene ( fimA ) of Dichelobacter nodosus is essential for virulence, protease secretion, and natural competence.

Methods Cell culture Stable MTA1 knockdown NPC cell lines (CNE1/M

Methods Cell culture Stable MTA1 knockdown NPC cell lines (CNE1/MTA1-si and C666-1/MTA1-si), stable MTA1 overexpression NPC cell line (NP69/MTA1), and their corresponding control cells (CNE1 or C666-1/CTL-si, and CNE1, C666-1 or NP69/NC) were constructed and cultured as described in previous study [7]. CNE1 were well-differentiated NPC cells, C666-1 were undifferentiated NPC cells, and NP-69 were immortalized NPC cells. Cell proliferation assay The cells were plated into 96-well plates at the density of 5,000 cells/well and cultured in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days, respectively. Then #PRIMA-1MET datasheet randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# cells were incubated with 20 μL MTT [3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,

EX 527 mouse 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] (5 mg/mL) (Promega, Shanghai, China) for additional 4 h, and 100 μL DMSO was added into each well to dissolve the formazan product. The absorbance of the enzyme was measured at 490 nm using an Microplate Reader (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Cell growth rates (average absorbance of each group) were then calculated. All experiments were performed in triplicate samples and repeated at least three times. Colony formation assay The cells were grown in 6-well plates and cultured in a humidified incubator at 37°C and 5% CO2. The cells were then continuously cultured until visible colonies were formed (14 days). The colonies were fixed with methanol

for 15 min, stained with hematoxylin for 10–15 min, and colonies containing >50 cells were counted. The rate of colony formation was indicated

by the ratio of the number of colonies over the number of seeded cells. The experiment was repeated three times, and a mean value was presented. Cell cycle analysis Cell cycle distribution was detected by using Cycletest Plus DNA Reagent kit (Becton Dickinson, USA). The protocol recommended by BD Bioscience was followed. The samples were run with a FACScan flow cytometer (Becton Dickinson, USA) and out the results obtained were analyzed using the ModFit software. Xenograft model Female athymic BALB/c nu/nu mice (4–6 weeks old) were purchased from Guangdong Medical Laboratory Animal Center (Guangzhou, China). All protocols for animal studies were reviewed and approved by Animal Care and Use Committee of Southern Medical University. 1 × 107 cells from individual cloned cell lines were injected subcutaneously into the left flank and right flank of nude mice (n = 5 per group). After 10 days of implantation of tumor cells, tumors were measured with calipers every 3 days. Tumor volume was calculated according to the following formula: V = (L*W2*π)/6, V, volume (mm3); L, biggest diameter (mm); W, smallest diameter (mm) [10]. At the end of experiments, the mice were euthanized and tumors were excised and weighed. Immunohistochemical staining Immunohistochemical staining was performed using standard protocol.

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