Thiamine deficiency predominantly occurs in patients with ALD, but may also occur as a consequence of malnutrition in end-stage cirrhosis of any cause. The cerebral symptoms disorientation, alteration of consciousness, ataxia, and dysarthria cannot be differentiated as being the result of thiamine deficiency or hyperammonemia by clinical examination.[149] In any case of doubt, thiamine should be given IV before glucose-containing solutions. Data upon the effect of the underlying liver disease on brain function are sparse, except for alcoholism and hepatitis C. Rare, but difficult, cases may be the result of Wilson’s
disease. Even patients with alcohol disorder and no clinical disease have been shown to exhibit deficits in episodic memory,[150] working memory and executive functions,[151] visuoconstruction abilities,[152] and upper- and lower-limb motor skills.[153] The cognitive APO866 in vitro dysfunction is more pronounced in those patients with alcohol disorder who are at risk of Wernicke’s encephalopathy as a result of malnutrition or already show signs of the problem.[154] Thus, it remains
unclear whether Rucaparib the disturbance of brain function in patients with ALD is the result of HE, alcohol toxicity, or thiamine deficiency. There is mounting evidence that HCV is present and replicates within the brain.[155-158] Approximately half of HCV patients suffer chronic fatigue irrespective of the grade of their liver disease,[159, 160] and even patients with only mild liver disease display cognitive dysfunction,[161,
162] involving verbal learning, attention, executive function, and memory. Likewise, patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis may have severe fatigue and impairment of attention, concentration, and psychomotor function irrespective of the grade of liver disease.[163-168] Because HE shares symptoms with all concomitant disorders and underlying diseases, it is difficult in the individual case to differentiate between the effects of HE and those resulting from other causes. In some cases, the time course and response to therapy may be the best support of HE. As mentioned, a normal blood ammonia level in a patient suspected of HE calls for consideration. None of the diagnostic measures used at present has been evaluated for their ability to differentiate next between HE and other causes of brain dysfunction. The EEG would not be altered by DM or alcohol disorders, but may show changes similar to those with HE in cases of renal dysfunction, hyponatremia, or septic encephalopathy. Psychometric tests are able to detect functional deficits, but are unable to differentiate between different causes for these deficits. Brain imaging methods have been evaluated for their use in diagnosing HE, but the results are disappointing. Nevertheless, brain imaging should be done in every patient with CLD and unexplained alteration of brain function to exclude structural lesions.