On the

whole, the present outlook is highly unfavorable t

On the

whole, the present outlook is highly unfavorable to success”.93 I was poorly equipped to rebut this kind of opinion. My attempts in Chicago to use radiation therapy for canine liver transplantation in 1959-1960 failed miserably.94 During this bleak time, however, Venetoclax mouse it was reported in a closely-spaced succession of articles that 6-mercaptopurine and/or its analogue, azathioprine, were immunosuppressive in nontransplant,95,96 rabbit skin graft,97,98 and canine kidney transplant models.99,100 The most extensive kidney transplant experiments were done by the 30-year-old English surgeon, Roy Calne101 who began his studies at the Royal Free Hospital in London in 1959 while still a registrar (resident). The work was continued in Boston with Joseph Murray after July 1960.102 In 1961, Calne visited our laboratory in Chicago and described his results. Shortly thereafter, I moved to Colorado, see more after making the decision to develop a human kidney transplant program there with drug immunosuppression as a forerunner for the liver

objective. This would be a bold step because the renal center at the Brigham was the only one in the U.S. at the time with an active clinical transplant arm. After demonstrating in parallel canine kidney and liver transplant studies of azathioprine that advances with either organ would be applicable to the other, we concentrated our immunosuppression research on the simpler kidney model. Our most promising results were obtained by giving daily doses of azathioprine monotherapy before as well as after kidney transplantation, adding postoperative prednisone only when overt rejection developed. By the time the incremental drug protocol was taken to the clinic in the autumn of 1962, six renal allograft recipients who were treated primarily or exclusively with the total body irradiation protocol of Murray’s fraternal twin case (see earlier) this website had either passed or

would soon reach the 1-year survival milestone, including two French patients to whom the donors were not genetically related (Table 2).91,103-105 In addition, Murray had transplanted a deceased donor allograft in Boston on April 5, 1962, under azathioprine-based immunosuppression.106,107 The kidney was destined to function for 17 months and become the world’s first to survive for 1 year or more with a radiation-free (drugs-only) protocol. Enthusiasm generated by this last case was tempered, however, by the fact that the recipient was the only one of the first 10 in the Boston azathioprine series to survive longer than 6 months (details annotated in Starzl108). Some members of our Denver team concluded from this sobering news that our accrual of more renal transplant cases would be a futile and embarrassing undertaking.

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